Me and My Family

Me and My Family

30 January, 2012

She'll be coming around the mountain

She'll be comin around the mountain when she comes....That's the song I am reminded of today as I come around this big mountain of exhaustion, weakness, feeling yucky, mouth sores, etc....

I felt on and off ok on Thursday and Friday, getting worse towards evenings when my body just would give out. By Saturday afternoon though I felt LOUSY! It was all I could do to get off the couch. I didn't feel like eating, reading, watching TV, talking, anything...My poor's so hard for a person to understand unless they see me, or go through it themselves, let alone a 5 yr old! how many times do I explain that it's the medicine we are using to try to get me better that is making me feel so crappy? How many ways? I pray pray pray that I can go into remission for much longer this time.

For these two! And my husband of course. These two beauties are my babies. My life! My sunshine! My joy! My inspiration! My motivation! Though I must interject here, it takes more than them to get me on the treadmill. Crazy I know. but true.
They motivate me in many other ways.
We had pictures taken of them, and each of them with me, and a few of all three of us. I want them to have some nice pictures of us together to keep forever. Happy pictures.
Now I think it's naptime. right? right. I'll make an attempt. Though today I have more energy I am still shaky in the muscles.
Blessings to each of you!!!


  1. You are my life! My sunshine! My joy! My Inspiration! My motivation! You are so precious to me, and your brothers also, of course. You gave and continue to give meaning to my life. I love you forever and beyond.

  2. Bless your heart Dani. I pray your next remission is very long too. Only one more treatment to go in this round!

    1. Just so you know, I still use your quilt EVERY time I go to chemo, and I use it at home too of course! I get so many comments on it. Thank YOU!

  3. What a great photo of your kids ~ they are so beautiful! I see you in them and I see your mom!

    You are loved!
