Me and My Family

Me and My Family

29 October, 2011

Twas two sleeps before Halloween

T'was two sleeps before Halloween and momma ghost feels lousy.

I wish today I had a different life!
One filled with the following things~

lots of kids who behaved well,
A motorcycle
A sexy car,
A sexy body,
A successful business,
A passport I used often,
A wonderful Talent,
No animals,
no worries,
The Same husband,
TheSAme parents,
The Same DAughter,
and the Same Son,
But with all the others things added.

28 October, 2011

Just another shot of poison

Well. I just got unhooked from my 46 hour infusion pump. Wednesday was treatment 4 in round 2. I was really sick Wednesday night. So much nausea...even with phenigran on board. Oh well. That's what poison does to our bodies I guess. I have more energy today, but nasty taste in my mouth. Its too hard to explain. It isn't really metallic. It's more like dry, raw, thick, gross. The only things that help it feel better are gum...and cold smooth drinks that I shouldn't drink like milkshakes. No I haven't had one yet. I may have to talk myself into settling for a smoothie. Or as much water as I can hold. That is better anyway, helps flush everthing out better.
Today I am headed to Damon's classroom party...he is a mouse, the one from Hickory Dickory Dock. Tonight there is another little party at school, like a carnival and for that I got him a Green Lantern costume.
Other than that I am happy to stay close to home and chill until I feel better. I was able to rest a lot yesterday which was a good thing as I had zero energy and was feeling downright cruddy.
I hope you all have a ghostly, goulish, scary, fun Halloween weekend.

20 October, 2011

well well well

I have just been busy, not feeling well, or flat out not in the mood to blog you probably noticed.

Even now I am not altogether sure I am in the mood. It's quiet in the house and I would rather be reading Pioneer Womans book, Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. It is Soooooooooooooooo good. I just read last night the wedding and beginning of the honeymoon part.

My Dad was up for a visit, that was great. Thanks to his stepson he gets to fly standby for a nominal fee and come up here. Then my mom came to town to accompany me to a treatment. And in and out of all this Damon is adjusting, or shall I say having trouble adjusting to riding the bus and going to school. Also through this time period I have been fighting a cold bug and it was really dragging me down in the dumps. The dark nether regions of my mind. The sinkhole that exists in the middle of my world now. It's like quicksand I imagine. Very hard to get out of if one isn't careful. So sticky, mucky, dirty, dark, gloomy, and possessive.

Finally I let myself take the med's my Nurse practioner prescribed and I am starting to come up for air, to feel more energy, see some light. I actually went for a walk this morning. I am seriously considering buying a treadmill. With winter coming on I believe it would be best for me and for the dogs to stay active and some days it's just too darn cold and windy to go out. It will help keep the dogs from driving me nuts too, once I teach them to use it. I will wear their sorry little legs out!!! they will be too tired to run around the house wreaking havok in my living room and on my couch! Of course when I use it I might be too tired to care anymore! lol

I got a sweet letter from one of my favorite Missionaries and A Beautiful stained glass star I ordered on Etsy in the mail today. Two great things in one mail stop. Love it! Pics of the star to come. And my dads visit, and Damon. But you might want to check out these stars. See KurtKnudsen

Love his and his wife's stuff.
Well, I am on to my book. Love a great love story!